Past Projects

ELK has hosted now 3 large-scale events in the past 2 years, all for the purposes of bringing communities into one space to enlighten and empower us all as we collectively strive for species-inclusive social justice.

In 2013, we hosted Human Rights are Animal Rights – a conference on the commonalities of oppression between humans and non-human animals. This event happened on occupied territory of the Attawandaron (Neutral) people.

In 2014, we hosted Neither Man Nor Beast – an online web-conference about the commonalities of speciesism and patriarchy.

In 2014, we hosted Endangered Turtle – a series skill-share workshops on anti-pipeline animal defence. This event happened on occupied territory of the Attawandaron (Neutral) people.

In 2016, we released ZOOPHIL-PSYCHOSIS – an accessible zine anthology about chronic illness & animals. This resource is available in audio format and in multiple written languages.

We have various campaigns in the works – all with the intention of promoting community empowerment and species-inclusive social justice. See our active efforts below, and check back here in the future as we announce new campaigns for total liberation.

If you wish to submit a proposal for a new campaign, please send us a message here.